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Agile project management essentials

Our virtual training for innovation teams and project leads.

Yes, really!

In the front end of innovation we face a high degree of uncertainty. Tools of classical project management often fail to support project leads and teams with the often changing conditions in this type of innovation initiatives.

The training “agile project management essentials” creates an understanding of when agile working methods or specifically agile project management are the tool of choice and provides the necessary knowledge to successfully plan and implement projects in an agile manner.

What you will get

Basic introduction and definition of the most important concepts and terminology

The difference between classic and agile project management

Understanding of possible applications, success-relevant principles of Kanban as well as working with Kanban

Knowledge in setting up agile projects

Overview of ongoing management and communication in agile projects

Agile projects application of selected aspects on concrete examples

Two ways to attend

Sign up for our next
open training

Special benefits

Notify me when the next open

training is scheduled

Start your journey

A 4 hour virtual deep dive into the topic

Interaction with peers of other organisations

Exchange on usecases from different industries

Book a company


Special benefits

Request an offer for a
company training

Start your journey

You decide on the duration and intensity of the training

Interaction with peers of your own organisation

A tailored training to your organisation’s specific needs

We also offer a free first consulting session for those who are just starting with innovation.
If you still have questions, take a look at our FAQs or contact us.