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Yes, we do!

Empowering exceptional progress in innovation.

Personal guidance, team support and digital tools

When getting seriously innovative, new ideas are not the challenge.

79% rate the transfer from ideas to customer centric products & services as their main challenge.

We accelerate your transfer to reach results within 3 months.
The “Alice At Work” approach.

Less resources,
quicker results.

Let’s discover how to use your resources best and shape products and services that fascinate markets and customers.

Releasing innovative potential

With fresh insights and new methods. Delivered with a great balance of digital tools, artificial intelligence and our experienced consultants.

Empowering Individuals

Skill-Up! Selected Masterclasses for Innovation take participants to new Innovation heights.

Guiding Teams

Get Companionship! In 3 months, we achieve tangible results with your innovation project.

Crafting Organizations

Building new habits! Creating environments and collaboration for continuous innovation.


Digital yet human

Being at the forefront of the digitization means incorporating virtual workspaces, digital documents and AI-driven tools. Yet we do see that human interactions still can’t be replicated by algorithms.

Providing access to a fully digital tool box available 24/7, paired with personal guidance from experts with years of experience in cosulting innovation and a deep understanding of organizational dynamics makes all the difference.

Quite Human

How we work.


Whitepaper: Leading Innovation

It is not because managers are not good at dealing with innovation. It is because of a lack of understanding. Read our article to find out how you can handle execution and discovery well.



Prioritizing Innovation

What is the biggest mistake you can make in innovation? Correct, focusing on internal knowledge rather than including markets and clients in an early phase.

Watch video


Hypothesis Matrix

To formulate hypothesis and don’t treat them as given assumptions is crucial if you don’t want to steer in the wrong direction. And with the matrix you have a tool with which you can prioritize your validation activities.

Learn how


Lean Canvas

Condense your ideas down onto one page of critical aspects for your business model. The Lean Canvas is one of the most supportive and crucial tools if it comes to clarifying on your initial potentials of a new venture.

Get workbook
During my time at Heraeus I was deeply impressed by the passion and deep know-how the consulting team brought to our teams. We truly made tangible progress with our innovation challenges and sharpened our approach to be more customer centric and market driven.
Georg Remmers
Nexevia. Former Head of Organizational Development and Strategic Transformation at Heraeus

Let’s talk about how it’s done